Stoptober is an annual public health campaign that takes place in the United Kingdom during the month of October. The campaign’s primary goal is to encourage and support people in quitting smoking.
Stoptober was first launched in England in 2012 by Public Health England, and it has since gained popularity and expanded across the UK. The campaign uses a combination of mass media advertising, social media engagement, and community support to motivate smokers to quit smoking for the entire month of October.
The concept behind Stoptober is that if individuals can quit smoking for 28 days, they are five times more likely to quit smoking permanently. The campaign provides various resources and tools to help smokers during their quit journey. These resources include a free app, a Stoptober website, a support helpline, and a range of supportive materials and advice.
Stoptober encourages participants to set a quit date and make a public commitment to quitting smoking for the duration of October. It promotes the benefits of quitting, such as improved health, financial savings, and a reduced risk of smoking-related diseases. The campaign also emphasizes the importance of support from friends, family, and the broader community in achieving successful smoking cessation.
Overall, Stoptober aims to create a supportive and motivating environment for smokers who want to quit and to raise awareness about the benefits of quitting smoking for both individuals and society as a whole.